Seneca ,Neil Young, Mom 過客

These individuals have riches just as we say that we “have a fever" when really the fever has us.  ~ Seneca

“When you’re in your 20s, then you and your world are the biggest thing, and everything revolves around what you’re doing. Now I realize I’m a leaf floating along on the water on top of some river. That’s where I’m at.” Neil Young

我也只是借用房子借幾年後又還給別人了;我們是人生的過客,也是股票的過客,也是房子的過客,在過客的過程中,不小心到錢而已。                            帥過頭

此乃祖先留下之財產,非我等賺取之物。我們都只是過客而已                                                                                                                                              Mom今日告誡不可出售祖產
